Monday, August 26, 2013

A Story as I Heard!

Mr John, an atheist lecturer once conducted a class about nature. He said, "Everything in the universe functions naturally on their own. There is no force or power behind the natural existence and orbits of planets, sun, moon, stars, etc."

Ahmed, a student in his class did not agree with this. His inner voice wanted to scream that it's not true. However, he kept quiet without disrupting his lecturer. 

After the lectures, everyone including Mr John left the classroom except for this boy. He waited till the classroom was clear. Once he ensured that the class is cleared, he moved to the teacher's table, grabbed a piece of chalk and wrote, "Mr John is an illiterate idiot" on the black board and left the classroom.

The next day, Mr John saw this and he was shocked. "If the person who wrote this did not step in front of the class, I will penalize the entire class.", he announced.

No person said a word. There was pin drop silence inside the classroom. Suddenly, Ahmed stood up and said, "Sir, yesterday, after everybody left the classroom, I saw a piece of chalk flew by itself and wrote those words on the black board by itself and landed itself back on the table.". The entire class broke into a laughter. 

Mr John, with a stern look on his face, silenced the class and walked briskly towards Ahmed. "Are you trying to play hanky panky with me, young man?" he inquired. "How on earth can that even happen?" he further questioned. Ahmed calmly replied, "Sir, even this tiny piece of chalk cannot write on the black board without being assisted. Then how can the planets, sun, moon and stars function by themselves, without a creator? How can they be so neatly managed without chaos? Don't you still think that there is a superior who operates all these?". He further said, "I sincerely apologize for misusing your name. But I wanted to enlighten you regarding this matter. I could not find any other way. I'm ready to accept any detention you impose on me as I'm the one who wrote it."

Mr John was out of words! 

"And it is He who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all [heavenly bodies] in an orbit are swimming."
The Glorious Quran- Chapter 21 (The Prophets), Verse #33

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