Friday, January 3, 2014


It is with sorrow that I write this post. I remember, when we were young, we learnt at school about multicultural understanding. And about the national flag of Sri Lanka, which represents every ethnic community. Which literally means that, we were taught from a young age to live in a multicultural society understanding the fact that every Sri Lankan has his/her right to practice his/her own religion and we have no right to interfere. 

However, some gentlemen, who actually might not have understood this concept, have always been trying to think in a way that they and their religion are more superior than the others. These type of folks are there in every community. The problem arises, when these folks try to prove it in a violent manner. 

In the recent past, many such incidents have occurred in this beautiful island. Such incidents, suck out the beauty of this nation and its people. 

I remember one such incident occurred a couple of days ago, where an unknown mob has vandalized a Masjid. At around 10pm, a group of around 20 individuals has arrived in a truck and has started brutally attacking the Masjid and the Imaam. Some of us, might not be even be aware about this. And some others might know but not be bothered.

Now, please close your eyes and try to picture a situation, where people who practice different religions and follow different cultures look at each other as enemies and fight with each other to prove that they are superior than the other. I am sure that every single one of you must be knowing that we are still feeling the pain of the wound of a 30 year war. I don't ever think that Mother Lanka is capable of bearing another ethnic, religious or communal war among her children.

On the other hand, just imagine how beautiful it would look if four Sri Lankan kids, who follow four different religions, wearing their traditional clothes, joining hands and walking on the street. Won't that reflect the true meaning of our national flag?

"Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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